
Autor: Tomasz Wołowiec
Liczba stron: 180
Rok wydania: 2022
Dyscyplina: Ekonomia i finanse, Zarządzanie
ISBN wersja drukowana: 978-83-67550-01-7


Entrepreneurship is a multifaceted concept, has many meanings and manifestations, and it is difficult to give one single definition. Undoubtedly, it is an important economic and social resource stimulating economic growth both in local (micro) and national (macro) terms. Entrepreneurship is understood as a specific philosophy, the way people operate and the way companies operate. It is a significant driving force, a factor in the development of individuals, individual enterprises, local and regional systems, and entire economies. It is one of the most important attributes of the market management model in the modern world. Entrepreneurship is seen in literature as an attitude, as a behavior, and as a process. Entrepreneurship is also searching for and taking advantage of the opportunities, opportunities, it is risk-taking relating to organizational innovation, new technologies and product development. It may concern individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises, but also large public organizations, in which it is referred to as intrapreneurship or organizational (creative) entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is an open attitude towards life and the problems that arise in it, it is a creative and innovative attitude that has a huge impact on the socio-economic development of the region and the country.

Nowadays, entrepreneurship is defined as a process in which not only business is a participant, but also local governments and social organizations (more broadly, the public and social sectors). In the management process, entrepreneurship is manifested, for example, by choosing the right strategy, creating flexible structures, promoting innovation, avoiding excessive administration and choosing the right forms of control. In relation to local government units, entrepreneurship relates primarily to initiatives aimed at improving the provision of public services and developing the economic and social potential of local communities. In the entire non-commercial sector (which local governments also belong to), entrepreneurship is equated with taking non-routine activities, e.g. tax or introducing social and organizational innovations. In this process, the role of leaders, activists, and charismatic leaders who are able to convince to non-standard actions is emphasized.1. When considering the role of local governments in stimulating entrepreneurship, one should realize that entrepreneurship means in short: noticing (diagnosing) an opportunity and then managing it (turning an idea into action)2. Local governments notice that entrepreneurship(especially in connection with competitiveness) is a factor of local development, as well as the basis for shaping regional specializations, therefore they try to create favorable conditions for its development3. The role of local government is therefore:
• shaping the entrepreneurial environment (creating a good climate for the development of entrepreneurship and constant support for development through the use of financial and non-financial instruments),
• supporting the micro, small and medium-sized enterprise sector, including inclusive local development,
• supporting social entrepreneurship and third sector organizations (NGO’s).


The monograph is a very interesting treatment of the issue of supporting entrepreneurship by municipalities from the perspective of Polish legal regulations and socio-economic conditions, including the administrative division of the country. The author used a holistic approach to the issues of local entrepreneurship, taking into account economic, social, legal, sociological and spatial conditions. In an interesting way, the author showed in the work that nowadays local governments become places of penetration and interaction of different types (manifestations) of entrepreneurship, in addition, they create conditions for the development and support of business. In the activities of the municipality, public entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and intrapersonal entrepreneurship permeate each other.
Prof. Tatiana Varcholova